Builders' Regrets and How to Avoid Them

Builders' Regrets and How to Avoid Them

Many design choices leave homeowners and builders with regrets once a project is completed. It’s advisable not to rush through a project and instead invest more time in developing floor plans and optimizing the functionality of each space. What may appear simple on paper often proves less than ideal in reality. Achieving satisfaction in living in one’s home is more fulfilling than merely being content with its surface beauty upon completion. Regrets and doubts will inevitably arise, but what if you could proactively minimize their presence?

What to consider before breaking ground:

The Laundry Room Dilemma

If there’s ample space available, homeowners often desire an expanded laundry room, equipped with functional amenities. Ideally, it should be conveniently situated on the same floor as the bedrooms, as transporting laundry becomes much more convenient on a single level rather than across different floors.

Concerning the design of the laundry room itself, it is essential to include a designated space for a drying rack, given that many fabrics recommend air drying. Additionally, a sink for hand-washing, a designated folding area such as a table or countertop, and sufficient storage for laundry supplies are crucial components to enhance the room’s functionality.

Researching the Lot

When considering construction on a specific lot, thorough research into the project’s positioning is vital. This entails examining the sun’s various orientations, gauging exposure to wind and other environmental factors, assessing proximity to noise sources, identifying potential flood-prone areas, evaluating slope drainage, and strategizing the optimal layout for the surroundings. The key is to meticulously explore placement options from all angles and scenarios to ensure an informed and well-considered decision.

Pay Attention to Outlets

Positioning and the number of kitchen outlets is an important consideration during renovation and construction, especially in the kitchens


In the realm of design, outlets often escape the meticulous attention of builders, yet their significance becomes glaringly apparent to homeowners during their daily routines. The seamless availability of power lies at the heart of versatility. There are several areas where homeowners might overlook the need for outlets, such as closets, kitchen spaces, the garage and basement, and the exterior of the property. Ensuring convenient access to power in these often-neglected spaces improves both practicality and user satisfaction.

Better Kitchen Lighting and Storage

Insufficient lighting often plagues essential areas, with many overlooking the crucial elements of proper illumination. The key lies in incorporating ambient, duty, and ornamental lighting that caters to different times of the day and night, addressing various activities. Striking the right balance between brightness and subtlety is essential. Layered lighting, such as under-cabinet illumination for countertop work or strategically placed nightlights in the kitchen, proves most effective.


Kitchen storage is one of those things you can't have too much of

A prevalent grievance in kitchens is the perceived lack of storage. Rather than simple adding more cabinets, the focus should be on optimizing existing storage. Many recommend integrating storage solutions into the kitchen island, where feasible, to create a more organized and clutter-free space.

Bigger Garage

Many people, after construction has finished, may decide they wanted a larger garage for a variety of reasons. Beyond the practicality of accommodating multiple vehicles, a spacious garage offers increased storage capacity for tools, equipment, and belongings. For those with hobbies or DIY interests, a larger garage can become a dedicated workshop or hobby area. Additionally, a well-organized and sizable garage enhances resale value, as prospective buyers often appreciate the versatility and functionality that comes with ample garage space.

More Functional Foyer

During the initial design phase, both builders and homeowners often overlook the practicalities of daily life and household clutter. It becomes challenging to neatly store all belongings and outerwear exclusively in bedroom closets. The inconvenience of carrying shoes and coats upstairs or to a different closet upon arrival, is a common oversight.


Strategically placing storage solutions at entry and exit points proves highly advantageous for both convenience and cleanliness.


The foyer closet or garage shelving is frequently neglected, yet strategically placing storage solutions at entry and exit points proves highly advantageous for both convenience and cleanliness. Additionally, if space allows, incorporating a seating area can further amplify functionality, providing a comfortable spot for putting on or removing shoes. This thoughtful consideration contributes to a more organized and user-friendly living environment.

Eco-Friendly Choices

When confronted with the demands of utility bills and household management, numerous individuals express a desire to have explored sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives. While these upgrades may entail a higher initial cost, they prove to be cost-effective in the long run.

Examples of such upgrades include energy-efficient windows, additional insulation, motion-activated faucets, low-flow showerheads and toilets, and energy-efficient appliances, along with heating and cooling systems. Implementing these changes not only aids in curbing long-term expenses but also contributes to a reduction in both environmental impact and overall resource consumption.

How T&A Can Help

If you wish to avoid any regrets in your building project, our team of professionals can ease your concerns by doing what we do best. We source and deliver building materials and finishes, including everything from appliances to windows and doors. With direct access to manufacturers, we can provide you with the latest and highest-quality materials, accommodating any budget and offering a variety of options for your specific needs.

Moreover, our product experts can work within your schedule to ensure no details are overlooked. If desired, we can also help bring your vision to life by providing information on current trends and recommending products with long-term value. Just imagine having everything you need in one place with a single point of contact. We are dedicated to eliminating the hassles and surprises from your project.

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